The Smith chart
Which of the following can be calculated using a Smith chart?
The Smith chart, invented by Phillip H. Smith (1905-1987),[1][2] is a graphical aid or nomogram designed for electrical and electronics engineers specializing in radio frequency (RF) engineering to assist in solving problems with transmission lines and matching circuits.
Memory tip: Smith - think Impedance along transmission lines
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
What type of coordinate system is used in a Smith chart?
Smith charts have to do with Impedance matching (Resistance). The coordinate system used is resistance circles, and curves.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
Which of the following is often determined using a Smith chart?
A Smith chart is a graphical chart which shows the impedance and SWR values of an antenna system across a range of frequencies. Because it shows both SWR and Impedance it makes it easier to know what to adjust while designing antenna systems.
To learn more just search the web -- it's a complex topic but there are lots of articles!
Transmission lines, and matching circuits have all to do about matching impedence (resistance).
Memory aids from other users:
Smith & Wesson Rules! TranSMITHion
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
What are the two families of circles and arcs that make up a Smith chart?
remember: smith chart uses R & R, resistance and reactance. Also remember complex impedance is \(R + jX\) with R being resistance and X being reactance.
See wikipedia article for more information
Correct answer does not have the word voltage.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
Which of the following is a common use for a Smith chart?
The Smith Chart is a tool for representing complex impedances in polar coordinates. It is used for designing feedlines, filters, antennas etc.
Nevertheless, this question is a candidate for a memory item.
SillyHint: 'Smith' was one of the SnowWhite's stubby dwarves
Notice: Incorrect answers require external physical characteristics (dimensions, materials, electrical parameters) as inputs. The correct answer provides physical characteristics (length and position) as outputs.
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Tags: none
On the Smith chart shown in Figure E9-3, what is the name for the large outer circle on which the reactance arcs terminate?
The key word here is "REACTANCE".
Reactance arcs terminate at the "REACTANCE" axis!
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
On the Smith chart shown in Figure E9-3, what is the only straight line shown?
The straight line (the ONLY straight line) in a Smith Chart is the resistance axis. Think of it like resistance - the real component of impedance- being horizontal, with the reactive (imaginary) components up and down.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
How is a Smith chart normalized?
The Smith chart is plotted on the complex reflection coefficient plane in two dimensions and is scaled in normalised impedance (the most common), normalised admittance or both, using different colours to distinguish between them. These are often known as the Z, Y and YZ Smith charts respectively.[7] Normalised scaling allows the Smith chart to be used for problems involving any characteristic or system impedance which is represented by the center point of the chart. The most commonly used normalization impedance is 50 ohms. Once an answer is obtained through the graphical constructions described below, it is straightforward to convert between normalised impedance (or normalised admittance) and the corresponding unnormalized value by multiplying by the characteristic impedance (admittance). Reflection coefficients can be read directly from the chart as they are unit-less parameters.
Hint: People are usually impatient when waiting for their Amazon Prime delivery
Hint: Only answer not ending with "axis" - Nate
Hint 2: A smith chart is round like a normal pie. Prime and Impedance spell Pi - Goose
Hint: When in doubt, remember that the Smith Chart is mostly about impedance. Choose the only answer that mentions it.
Overly simplified explanation: We want to recenter the chart so that the characteristic impedance of the system we’re measuring (usually 50 ohms) is at the center, making all impedance values relative to it.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
What third family of circles is often added to a Smith chart during the process of designing impedance matching networks?
The circles already present on the Smith chart include those for the resistive and reactive components of the normalized load impedance. One would normally use the intersection of these circles to identify the magnitude and angle of \(\Gamma\), the voltage reflection coefficient.
By maintaining a \(\Gamma\) of constant magnitude about the origin, one can draw a third group of circles. Because standing wave ratio only depends on this magnitude, these circles define the standing wave ratio.
Thus, the correct answer is standing-wave ratio circles.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
What do the arcs on a Smith chart represent?
In the days of slide rules, the Smith chart was packed with lines, curves, grids and nomographs.
In the ARRL Extra class manual a Smith chart is introduced as an XY-coordinate graph where the top and bottom of the Y axis is bent to the right to touch the X axis at the infinite resistance point. These are the constant resistance circles. THESE ARE NOT the arcs the test is asking about.
The "arcs" are the lines that intersect the bent Y-axis lines, coming from the infinite resistance point out to the edge of the circle. These arcs represent points with constant reactance.
To interpret impedance on the Smith chart, it is necessary to understand constant resistance circles and constant reactance arcs.
A very comprehensive and in-depth depiction of Smith Charts can be found at Wikipedia
Memory Aid: When you see “arcs on a Smith chart” - think of Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor, and remember arcs represent reactance.
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f
In what units are the wavelength scales on a Smith chart calibrated?
The wavelength scales on a Smith chart are calibrated in fractions of transmission line electrical wavelength.
The outer ring of a Smith Chart defines fractional electrical wavelength of feedline starting at zero and ending at 0.5 (half the electrical wavelength). It also defines the direction toward the generator. This is a hint, indicating that this is a feedline length and not antenna length.
Smith Charts are useful to determine feedline line length required to match a load to a radio transmitter.
Hint: 'flew' Fractions of transmission Line Electrical Wavelength
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Tags: arrl chapter 9 arrl module 9f