An attenuator network comprises two 100 ohm resistors in series with the input applied across both resistors and the output taken from across one of them. The voltage attenuation of the network is
A distant amplitude-modulated station is heard quite loudly but the modulation is at times severely distorted. A similar local station is not affected. The probable cause of this is
The antenna in this diagram has two equal lengths of wire shown as 'X' forming a dipole between insulators. The optimum operating frequency will be when the
length X+X equals the signal wavelength (42% chose this)
dimensions are changed with one leg doubled in length (4% chose this)
length X+X is a little shorter than one-half of the signal wavelength (54% chose this)
An applicant for a New Zealand General Amateur Operator Certificate of Competency must first qualify by meeting the appropriate examination requirements. Application may then be made by
anyone except a representative of a foreign government (14% chose this)
only a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand (55% chose this)
anyone except an employee of the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (3% chose this)
On VHF and UHF bands, polarisation of the receiving antenna is important in relation to the transmitting antenna, but on HF it is relatively unimportant because
the ionosphere can change the polarisation of the signal from moment to moment (70% chose this)
the ground wave and the sky wave continually shift the polarisation (13% chose this)
anomalies in the earth's magnetic field profoundly affect HF polarisation (13% chose this)
improved selectivity in HF receivers makes changes in polarisation redundant (4% chose this)
The physical length of the antenna shown in this diagram can be shortened and the electrical length maintained, if one of the following items is added at the points shown at 'X' in each wire
Although high frequency signals may be received from a distant station by a sky wave at a certain time, it may not be possible to hear them an hour later. This may be due to
changes in the ionosphere (74% chose this)
shading of the earth by clouds (0% chose this)
changes in atmospheric temperature (9% chose this)
absorption of the ground wave signal (17% chose this)
operate on all amateur bands other than VHF at least weekly using a computer for log-keeping (0% chose this)
operate only on specified amateur bands for 3 months logging at least 50 contacts and retaining the log book for at least one year for possible official inspection (59% chose this)
operate only on one fixed frequency in the amateur bands between 5 and 25 MHz for 6 months and then present the log book for official inspection (19% chose this)
operate on amateur bands between 5 and 25 MHz as and when the operator chooses (22% chose this)
A General Amateur Operator Certificate of Competency holder must advise permanent changes to postal and email addresses and update the official database records within
A transformer with 100 turns on the primary winding and 10 turns on the secondary winding is connected to 230 volt AC mains. The voltage across the secondary is
To reduce energy from an HF transmitter getting into a television receiver, the following could be placed in the TV antenna lead as close to the TV as possible
A radio wave may follow two or more different paths during propagation and produce slowly-changing phase differences between signals at the receiver resulting in a phenomenon called
Which of the following operating arrangements allows a NZ citizen holding a General Amateur Operator�s Certificate of Competency and a call-sign to operate in many European countries
A General Amateur Operator Certificate of Competency can be inspected by an authorised officer from the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
the ability of equipment to function satisfactorily in its own environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances (91% chose this)
more than one relay solenoid operating simultaneously (3% chose this)
the inability of equipment to function satisfactorily together and produce tolerable electromagnetic disturbances (6% chose this)
Bandplans showing the transmission modes for New Zealand amateur radio bands are developed and published for the mutual respect and advantage of all operators
to ensure that your operations do not impose problems on other operators and that their operations do not impact on you (100% chose this)
to keep experimental developments contained (0% chose this)
to reduce the number of modes in any one band (0% chose this)
to keep overseas stations separate from local stations (0% chose this)
This rule applies if two amateur radio stations want to use the same frequency
the operator with the newer qualification must yield the frequency to the more experienced operator (0% chose this)
the station with the lower power output must yield the frequency to the station with the higher power output (0% chose this)
both stations have an equal right to operate on the frequency, the second-comer courteously giving way after checking that the frequency is in use (100% chose this)
stations in ITU Regions 1 and 2 must yield the frequency to stations in Region 3 (0% chose this)