Where a municipality has developed a public consultation process which of the following options best describes all circumstances when public consultation may not be required?
Exclusions listed in both CPC-2-0-03 and the Local land use authority process (17% chose this)
Exclusions listed in either CPC-2-0-03 or the Local land use authority process (27% chose this)
Exclusions listed in the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Client Procedures Circular on Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Antenna Systems CPC-2-0-03 (40% chose this)
Exclusions defined in the Local land use authority process (16% chose this)
According to EMCAB-2 which of the following types of equipment is not included in the list of field strength criteria for resolution of immunity complaints?
Which of the following is not correct? While operating in Canada a radio amateur licensed by the Government of the United States must:
obtain a Canadian amateur certificate before operating in Canada (44% chose this)
add to his call sign the Canadian call sign prefix for the geographic location of the station (22% chose this)
qualify his identification when operating phone by adding to the call sign the word "mobile" or "portable" or when operating Morse code by adding a slash "/" (14% chose this)
identify with the call sign assigned by the FCC (20% chose this)
Radiotelephone signals in a frequency band below ____ MHz cannot be automatically retransmitted, unless these signals are received from a station operated by a person qualified to transmit on frequencies below the above frequency:
A communications receiver has four filters installed in it, respectively designated as 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 2.4 kHz and 6 kHz. You are copying a CW transmission and there is a great deal of interference. Which one of the filters would you choose?
Your mobile HF transceiver draws 22 amperes on transmit. The manufacturer suggests limiting voltage drop to 0.5 volt and the vehicle battery is 3 metres (10 feet) away. Given the losses below at that current, which minimum wire gauge must you use?
Number 12, 0.11 V per metre (0.03 V per foot) (35% chose this)
Number 8, 0.05 V per metre (0.01 V per foot) (14% chose this)
Number 10, 0.07 V per metre (0.02 V per foot) (41% chose this)
Number 14, 0.19 V per metre (0.06 V per foot) (11% chose this)
You have connected your hand-held VHF transceiver to an outside gain antenna. You now hear a mixture of signals together with different modulation on your desired frequency. What is the nature of this interference?
When selecting a single-sideband phone transmitting frequency, what minimum frequency separation from a contact in progress should you allow (between suppressed carriers) to minimize interference?
During a club ARRL Field Day outing, reception on the 20 m SSB station is compromised every time the 20 m CW station is on the air. What might cause such interference?
Improper station grounding (10% chose this)
Harmonic radiation (32% chose this)
Receiver desensitization (47% chose this)
Both stations are fed from the same generator (10% chose this)
A receiver receives an incoming signal of 3.54 MHz, and the local oscillator produces a signal of 3.995 MHz. To which frequency should the IF be tuned?
A television receiver suffers interference on channel 5 (76 - 82 MHz) only when you transmit on 14 MHz. From your home you see the tower of a commercial FM station known to broadcast on 92.5 MHz. Which of these solutions would you try first?
Insert a low pass filter at the antenna connector of the HF transmitter (26% chose this)
Insert a high pass filter at the antenna connector of the HF transmitter (14% chose this)
Insert a low pass filter at the antenna connector of the television (16% chose this)
Insert a high pass filter at the antenna connector of the television (43% chose this)
A transmission line differs from an ordinary circuit or network in communications or signalling devices in one very important way. That important aspect is:
A local amateur reports your 100W 2M simplex VHF transmission as 30 dB over S9. To reduce your signal to S9, you would reduce your power to ______ watts.
Selectivity can be placed in the audio stages of a receiver by the utilization of RC active or passive audio filters. If you were to copy CW, which of the following bandpasses would you choose?
When selecting a RTTY transmitting frequency, what minimum frequency separation from a contact in progress should you allow (center to center) to minimize interference?
A communications receiver has four filters installed in it, respectively designated as 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 2.4 kHz, and 6 kHz. If you were listening to single sideband, which filter would you utilize?
In the event of interference to a neighbour's television receiver, according to EMCAB-2 it will be deemed that a radio amateur's transmission is the cause of the problem if the field strength:
near the TV is below Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's specified immunity criteria (10% chose this)
at the transmitting location is below the radio amateur's maximum allowable transmitter power (5% chose this)
at the transmitting location is above the radio amateur's maximum allowable transmitter power (31% chose this)
on the neighbour's premises is above Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's specified immunity criteria (54% chose this)
The amateur radio service is authorized to share a portion of what Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band that is heavily used by licence exempt devices?
What type of propagation may allow a weak signal to be heard at a distance too far for ground-wave propagation but too near for normal sky-wave propagation?
If the impedance terminating a transmission line differs significantly from the characteristic impedance of the line, what will be observed at the input of the line?
An impedance nearly equal to the characteristic impedance (22% chose this)
Some value of impedance influenced by line length (50% chose this)
Safety Code 6 specifies lower exposure limits for the general public in uncontrolled areas than it does for people in controlled areas (22% chose this)
hand held transmitters are excluded from Safety Code 6 requirements (53% chose this)
Antenna gain, distance, transmitter power and frequency are all factors which influence the electric field strength and a person's exposure to radio energy. (11% chose this)
Safety Code 6 uses different units for the magnetic field strength and the electric field strength when stating limits (14% chose this)
In the event of the malfunctioning of a neighbour's broadcast FM receiver and stereo system, it will be deemed that the affected equipment's lack of immunity is the cause if the field strength:
at the transmitting location is below the radio amateur's maximum allowable transmitter power (17% chose this)
at the transmitting location is above 100 watts (2% chose this)
near the affected equipment is above Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's specified immunity criteria (23% chose this)
on the premises of the affected equipment is below Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's specified immunity criteria (58% chose this)
What kind of antenna transmission line can be constructed using two conductors which are maintained a uniform distance apart using insulated spreaders?
The operator of an amateur station, who is the holder of a Basic Qualification, shall ensure that the station power, when expressed as RF output power measured across an impedance matched load, does not exceed:
150 watts peak power (25% chose this)
560 watts peak-envelope power, for transmitters producing any type of single sideband emission (61% chose this)
2500 watts peak power (4% chose this)
1000 watts carrier power for transmitters producing other emissions (10% chose this)
On the VHF and UHF bands, polarization of the receiving antenna is very important in relation to the transmitting antenna, yet on HF bands it is relatively unimportant. Why is that so?
Greater selectivity is possible with HF receivers making changes in polarization redundant (17% chose this)
The ionosphere can change the polarization of the signal from moment to moment (58% chose this)
The ground wave and the sky wave continually shift the polarization (9% chose this)
Anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field produce a profound effect on HF polarization but not on VHF & UHF frequencies (16% chose this)
One of the following is not considered to be communications on behalf of a third party, even though the message may be originated by, or addressed to, a non-amateur:
all messages originated by Canadian amateur stations (13% chose this)
messages addressed to points within Canada from the United States (4% chose this)
messages that are handled within local networks during a simulated emergency exercise (22% chose this)
messages that originate from the United States Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) (61% chose this)
What is the maximum transmitting power an amateur station may use for SSB operation on 7055 kHz, if the operator has Basic with Honours qualifications?
One possible cause of TV interference by harmonics from an SSB transmitter is from "flat topping" - driving the power amplifier into non-linear operation. The most appropriate remedy for this is:
Where a land use authority or municipality has established a public consultation process for antenna systems, who determines how public consultation should take place?
The person planning to erect an antenna structure (3% chose this)
The provincial government (1% chose this)
The municipality or local land use authority (63% chose this)
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (33% chose this)
Two mobile stations are traveling along the same road in close proximity to each other and having trouble communicating through a local repeater. Why may it be necessary to use simplex operation to communicate between these cars?
The strong signal of one mobile transmitter may desensitize the receiver of the other mobile receiver (64% chose this)
Simplex operation does not require the use of CTCSS tones (6% chose this)
There is less time delay using simplex operation compared to using a repeater (12% chose this)
There are many more simplex frequencies than repeater frequencies available (18% chose this)
The DC power input to the anode or collector circuit of the final RF stage of a transmitter, used by a holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Advanced Qualification, shall not exceed:
FM receivers perform in an unusual manner when two or more stations are present. The strongest signal, even though it is only two or three times stronger than the other signals, will be the only transmission demodulated. This is called:
Your amateur radio transmitter appears to be creating interference to the television on channel 3 (60-66 MHz) when you are transmitting on the 15 metre band. Other channels are not affected. The most likely cause is:
a bad ground at the transmitter (2% chose this)
front-end overload of the TV (8% chose this)
harmonic radiation from the transmitter (73% chose this)
If a non-amateur friend is using your station to talk to someone in Canada, and a foreign station breaks in to talk to your friend, what should you do?
Since you can talk to foreign amateurs, your friend may keep talking as long as you are the control operator (28% chose this)
Report the incident to the foreign amateur's government (0% chose this)
Stop all discussions and quickly sign off (2% chose this)
Have your friend wait until you determine from the foreign station if their administration permits third-party traffic (70% chose this)
The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification is limited to a maximum of _______ watts when expressed as direct current input power to the anode or collector circuit of the transmitter stage supplying radio frequency energy to the antenna:
Safety Code 6 regulates the operation of receivers only (2% chose this)
The operation of portable transmitting equipment is of no concern in Safety Code 6 (8% chose this)
Portable transmitters, operating below 1 GHz, with an output power equal to, or less than 7 watts, are exempt from the requirements of Safety Code 6 (12% chose this)
Safety Code 6 sets limits for RF exposure from all radio transmitters regardless of power output (78% chose this)
If a neighbour reports television interference on one or two channels only when you transmit on 15 metres, what is probably the cause of the interference?
Too much low pass filtering on the transmitter (5% chose this)
Harmonic radiation from your transmitter (77% chose this)
De ionization of the ionosphere near your neighbour's TV antenna (3% chose this)
FM repeater operation on the 2 metre band uses one frequency for transmission and one for reception. The difference in frequency between the transmit and receive frequency is normally:
To reduce harmonic output from a high frequency transmitter, you would put a ____________ in the transmission line as close to the transmitter as possible.
If a parasitic element slightly shorter than a horizontal dipole antenna is placed parallel to the dipole 0.1 wavelength from it and at the same height, what effect will this have on the antenna's radiation pattern?
A major lobe will develop in the horizontal plane, from the dipole toward the parasitic element (71% chose this)
A major lobe will develop in the horizontal plane, parallel to the two elements (20% chose this)
A major lobe will develop in the vertical plane, away from the ground (6% chose this)
The radiation pattern will not be affected (3% chose this)
If a parasitic element slightly longer than a horizontal dipole antenna is placed parallel to the dipole 0.1 wavelength from it and at the same height, what effect will this have on the antenna's radiation pattern?
A major lobe will develop in the horizontal plane, parallel to the two elements (19% chose this)
A major lobe will develop in the vertical plane, away from the ground (7% chose this)
The radiation pattern will not be affected (5% chose this)
A major lobe will develop in the horizontal plane, from the parasitic element toward the dipole (70% chose this)
Radio amateurs may use their stations to transmit international communications on behalf of a third party only if:
such communications have been authorized by the other country concerned (78% chose this)
the amateur station has received written authorization from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to pass third party traffic (20% chose this)
the communication is transmitted by secret code (1% chose this)
prior remuneration has been received (1% chose this)
What are some reasons not to use parallel-conductor transmission line?
It does not work well when tied down to metal objects, and you should use a balun and may have to use an impedance-matching device with your transceiver (68% chose this)
You must use an impedance-matching device with your transceiver, and it does not work very well with a high SWR (16% chose this)
It does not work well when tied down to metal objects, and it cannot operate under high power (12% chose this)
It is difficult to make at home, and it does not work very well with a high SWR (4% chose this)
What is one way to determine if the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is high enough to support 28 MHz propagation between your station and western Europe?
Listen for WWVH time signals on 20 MHz (11% chose this)
Listen for signals from 10-metre beacon stations (71% chose this)
Listen for signals from 20-metre beacon stations (13% chose this)
Listen for signals from 39-metre broadcast stations (5% chose this)
Which of the following statements is not correct? A person may operate radio apparatus, authorized in the amateur service:
except for the amplification of the output power of licence-exempt radio apparatus operating outside authorized amateur radio service allocations (17% chose this)
on aeronautical, marine or land mobile frequencies (66% chose this)
only where the person complies with the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service (11% chose this)
only where the apparatus is maintained within the performance standards set by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada regulations and policies (6% chose this)
Which of the following is defined in EMCAB-2 as "any device, machinery or equipment, other than radio apparatus, the use or functioning of which is, or can be, adversely affected by radiocommunication emissions"?
In general, what is the tallest amateur radio antenna system excluded from the requirement to consult with the land use authority and the public where there is a land use authority defined public consultation process?
21m (3% chose this)
the taller of the height exclusion in the land use authority public consultation process and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's antenna siting procedures (79% chose this)
Which of the following is not an exception from the penalties under the Act, for divulging, intercepting or using information obtained through radiocommunication, other than broadcasting?
Where it is for the purpose of preserving or protecting property, or for the prevention of harm to a person (16% chose this)
Where it is for the purpose of giving evidence in a criminal or civil proceeding in which persons are required to give evidence (6% chose this)
Where it is on behalf of Canada, for the purpose of international or national defence or security (10% chose this)
Where it is to provide information for a journalist (68% chose this)
In order to install any radio apparatus, to be used specifically for an amateur radio club station, the radio amateur must hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate, with a minimum of the following qualifications:
If you are planning to install or modify an antenna system under what conditions may you not be required to contact land use authorities to determine public consultation requirements?
When transmitting will only be done at low power (4% chose this)
When an exclusion criterion defined by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada applies (82% chose this)
In a rural area (7% chose this)
When the structure is part of an amateur radio antenna (7% chose this)
Two or more parts of the radio wave follow different paths during propagation and this may result in phase differences at the receiver. This "change" at the receiver is called:
Which of these statements about the installation or modification of an antenna structure is not correct?
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada expects radio amateurs to address community concerns in a responsible manner (5% chose this)
Prior to an installation, for which community concerns could be raised, radio amateurs may be required to consult with their land-use authority (10% chose this)
A radio amateur may erect any size antenna structure without consulting neighbours or the local land-use authority (76% chose this)
A radio amateur must follow Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's antenna siting procedures. (9% chose this)
One of the following is not considered to be communications on behalf of a third party, even though the message is originated by, or addressed to, a non-amateur:
messages addressed to points within Canada (2% chose this)
all messages received from Canadian stations (6% chose this)
messages originated from Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio Service (CFARS) (82% chose this)
messages that are handled within a local network (10% chose this)
You are transmitting FM on the 2 metre band. Several stations advise you that your transmission is loud and distorted. A quick check with a frequency counter tells you that the transmitter is on the proper frequency. Which of the following is the most probable cause of the distortion?
The power supply output voltage is low (9% chose this)
The repeater is reversing your sidebands (4% chose this)
The frequency counter is giving an incorrect reading and you are indeed off frequency (8% chose this)
The frequency deviation of your transmitter is set too high (80% chose this)
In order to install any radio apparatus, to be used specifically for receiving and automatically retransmitting radiotelephone communications within the same frequency band, a radio amateur must hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate, with a minimum of:
Basic and Morse code qualifications (1% chose this)
Basic qualification (17% chose this)
Basic with Honours qualification (6% chose this)
Basic and Advanced qualifications (75% chose this)
When a parallel coil-capacitor combination is supplied with AC of different frequencies, there will be one frequency where the impedance will be highest. This is the:
In inductances, AC may be opposed by both resistance of winding wire and reactance due to inductive effect. The term which includes resistance and reactance is:
A transformer has a 240 volt primary that draws a current of 250 milliamperes from the mains supply. Assuming no losses and only one secondary, what current would be available from the 12 volt secondary?
If your transmitter and antenna are 15 metres (50 ft) apart, but are connected by 60 metres (200 ft) of RG-58 coaxial cable, what should be done to reduce transmission line loss?
Roll the excess cable into a coil which is as small as possible (7% chose this)
Shorten the excess cable so the transmission line is an even number of wavelengths long (14% chose this)
Shorten the excess cable (72% chose this)
Shorten the excess cable so the transmission line is an odd number of wavelengths long (7% chose this)
If you are the control operator at the station of another amateur who has additional qualifications to yours, what operating privileges are you allowed?
All the emission privileges of the additional qualifications, but only the frequency privileges of your qualifications (3% chose this)
All the frequency privileges of the additional qualifications, but only the emission privileges of your qualifications (3% chose this)
Only the privileges allowed by your qualifications (88% chose this)
Any privileges allowed by the additional qualifications (7% chose this)
Some VHF and UHF FM radios purchased for use in the amateur service can also be programmed to communicate on frequencies used for the land mobile service. Under what conditions is this permissible?
The equipment has a RF power output of 2 watts or less (7% chose this)
The equipment is used in remote areas north of 60 degrees latitude (2% chose this)
The radio is certified under the proper Radio Standard Specification for use in Canada and licensed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada on the specified frequencies (76% chose this)
The radio operator has a Restricted Operator's Certificate (15% chose this)
If you are the net control station of a daily HF net, what should you do if the frequency on which you normally meet is in use just before the net begins?
Cancel the net for that day (5% chose this)
Call and ask occupants to relinquish the frequency for the scheduled net operations, but if they are not agreeable, conduct the net on a frequency 3 to 5 kHz away from the regular net frequency (92% chose this)
Reduce your output power and start the net as usual (1% chose this)
Increase your power output so that net participants will be able to hear you over the existing activity (2% chose this)
If someone tells you that signals from your hand-held transceiver are interfering with other signals on a frequency near yours, what could be the cause?
You need to turn the volume up on your hand-held (0% chose this)
Your hand-held is transmitting spurious emissions (93% chose this)
You need a power amplifier for your hand-held (2% chose this)
Your hand-held has a chirp from weak batteries (5% chose this)
The land use authority has not established a process for public consultation for antenna systems. The radio amateur planning to install or modify an antenna system:
must fulfill the public consultation requirements set out in Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's Default Public Consultation Process unless the land use authority excludes their type of proposal from consultation or it is excluded by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's process (90% chose this)
can proceed with their project without public consultation (5% chose this)
must implement a public consultation process of their own design (1% chose this)
must wait for the land use authority to develop a public consultation process (3% chose this)
Three resistors, respectively rated at 10, 15 and 20 ohms are connected in parallel across a 6-volt battery. Which statement is true?
The voltage drop across each resistance added together equals 6 volts (13% chose this)
The voltage drop across the 20 ohm resistance is greater than the voltage across the 10 ohm resistance (9% chose this)
The current through the 10 ohms, 15 ohms and 20 ohms separate resistances, when added together, equals the total current drawn from the battery (71% chose this)
The current flowing through the 10 ohm resistance is less than that flowing through the 20 ohm resistance (7% chose this)
One advantage of replacing a 50 ohm resistor with a parallel combination of two similarly rated 100 ohm resistors is that the parallel combination will have:
lesser resistance and similar power rating (8% chose this)
the same resistance but greater power rating (77% chose this)
the same resistance but lesser power rating (10% chose this)
greater resistance and similar power rating (5% chose this)
If the centre impedance of a folded dipole is approximately 300 ohms, and you are using RG8U (50 ohms) coaxial lines, what is the ratio required to have the line and the antenna matched?
An amateur radio operator transmitting unnecessary or offensive signals does not violate accepted practice (80% chose this)
Except for a certified radio amateur operating within authorized amateur radio allocations, no person shall possess or operate any device for the purpose of amplifying the output power of a licence-exempt radio apparatus (10% chose this)
A person may operate or permit the operation of radio apparatus only where the apparatus is maintained to the Radiocommunication Regulations tolerances (5% chose this)
A person may operate an amateur radio station when the person complies with the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service (5% chose this)
You need a current limiting resistor for a light-emitting diode (LED). The actual resistance is not critical at all. Out of the list below, which resistor tolerance would you select?
You hear other local stations talking to radio amateurs in New Zealand but you don't hear those stations with your beam aimed on the normal compass bearing to New Zealand. What should you try?
Point your antenna toward Newington, Connecticut (1% chose this)
Point your antenna to the north (2% chose this)
Point your antenna to the south (2% chose this)
Point your beam 180 degrees away from that bearing and listen for the stations arriving on the "long-path" (95% chose this)
A resonant antenna having a feed point impedance of 200 ohms is connected to a transmission line which has an impedance of 50 ohms. What will the standing wave ratio of this system be?
In order to install or operate a transmitter or RF amplifier that is neither professionally designed nor commercially manufactured for use in the amateur service, a radio amateur must hold an Amateur Operator's Certificate, with a minimum of which qualifications?
A radio amateur may not operate, or permit to be operated, a radio apparatus which he knows is not performing to the Radiocommunication Regulations (7% chose this)
A radio amateur may use a linear amplifier to amplify the output of a licence-exempt transmitter outside any amateur radio allocations (89% chose this)
A considerate operator does not transmit unnecessary signals (2% chose this)
A courteous operator refrains from using offensive language (3% chose this)
use any United Nations approved frequency (5% chose this)
most communications are handled by nets using predetermined frequencies in amateur bands. Operators not directly involved with disaster communications are requested to avoid making unnecessary transmissions on or near frequencies being used for disaster communications (95% chose this)
use only frequencies in the 80 metre band (1% chose this)
use only frequencies in the 40 metre band (0% chose this)
permit any person to operate the station under the supervision and in the presence of the holder of the amateur operator certificate (95% chose this)
permit anyone to take part in communications only if prior written permission is received from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (4% chose this)
permit anyone to use the station without restrictions (0% chose this)
permit anyone to use the station and take part in communications (0% chose this)
An accredited volunteer examiner must hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic, Advanced, and Morse code qualifications (10% chose this)
The fee for taking an examination for an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate at an Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada office is $20 per qualification (14% chose this)
The fee for taking an examination for an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate at an Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada office is $5 per qualification (65% chose this)
An accredited examiner may recover the cost of administering an examination (10% chose this)
The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate shall, at the request of a duly appointed radio inspector, produce the certificate, or a copy thereof, to the inspector, within ____ hours after the request:
In a mains power transformer, the primary winding has 250 turns, and the secondary has 500. If the input voltage is 120 volts, the likely secondary voltage is:
An alkaline cell has a nominal voltage of 1.5 volts. When supplying a great deal of current, the voltage may drop to 1.2 volts. This is caused by the cell's:
Battery capacity is commonly stated as a value of current delivered over a specified period of time. What is the effect of exceeding that specified current?
The battery will accept the subsequent charge in shorter time (4% chose this)
The voltage delivered will be higher (2% chose this)
A battery charge will not last as long (76% chose this)
The internal resistance of the cell is short-circuited (18% chose this)
Where a friend is not the holder of any type of radio operator certificate, you, as a holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification, may, on behalf of your friend:
modify and repair the radio apparatus but not install it (2% chose this)
not install, place in operation, modify, repair, maintain, or permit the operation of the radio apparatus (74% chose this)
install an amateur station, but not operate or permit the operation of the apparatus (6% chose this)
install and operate the radio apparatus, using your own call sign (18% chose this)
A club project requires that a resistive voltage divider provide a very accurate and predictable ratio. Out of the list below, which resistor tolerance would you select?
The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate may design and build from scratch transmitting equipment for use in the amateur radio service provided that person has the:
Basic qualification (15% chose this)
Advanced qualification (82% chose this)
Basic and Morse code qualification (2% chose this)
Morse code with Honours qualification (1% chose this)
Radio apparatus may be installed, placed in operation, repaired or maintained by the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Advanced Qualification on behalf of another person:
if the transmitter of a station, for which a radio authorization is to be applied for, is type approved and crystal controlled (3% chose this)
if the other person is the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate to operate in the amateur radio service (89% chose this)
pending the granting of a radio authorization, if the apparatus covers the amateur and commercial frequency bands (2% chose this)
pending the granting of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate if the apparatus covers the amateur frequency bands only (6% chose this)
After an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic qualifications is issued, the holder may be examined for additional qualifications in the following order:
Morse code after passing the Basic with Honours (5% chose this)
Advanced after passing Morse code (7% chose this)
any order (83% chose this)
Morse code after passing the Advanced (5% chose this)
A person found guilty of transmitting a false or fraudulent distress signal, or interfering with, or obstructing any radio communication, without lawful cause, may be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty of:
a fine of $10 000 (5% chose this)
a prison term of two years (2% chose this)
a fine of $1 000 (3% chose this)
a fine, not exceeding $5 000, or a prison term of one year, or both (90% chose this)