In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the cathode is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:
What term describes a method used to match a high-impedance transmission line to a lower impedance antenna by connecting the line to the driven element in two places, spaced a fraction of a wavelength on each side of the driven element centre?
The main function of the bleeder resistor in a power supply is to provide a discharge path for the capacitor in the power supply. But it may also be used for a secondary function, which is to:
act as a secondary smoothing device in conjunction with the filter (33% chose this)
improve voltage regulation (35% chose this)
provide a ground return for the transformer (24% chose this)
inhibit the flow of current through the supply (8% chose this)
What term is used to describe a spread spectrum communications system in which a very fast binary bit stream is used to shift the phase of an RF carrier?
In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the plate is connected to a radio frequency choke. The other end of the radio frequency choke connects to the:
In a simple 2 stage CW transmitter, current to the collector of the transistor in the class C amplifier stage flows through a radio frequency choke (RFC) and a tapped inductor. The RFC, on the tapped inductor side, is also connected to grounded capacitors. The purpose of the RFC and capacitors is to:
In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. A fixed capacitor (C3) is connected between the VCC+ side of L1 and ground. C3 is a:
In a simple 2 stage CW transmitter circuit, the oscillator stage and the class C amplifier stage are inductively coupled by a RF transformer. Another role of the RF transformer is to:
provide the necessary feedback for oscillation (29% chose this)
In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, the secondary winding of a transformer is connected directly to the vacuum tube. This transformer provides:
A moving-coil milliammeter having a full-scale deflection of 1 mA and an internal resistance of 0.5 ohms is to be converted to a voltmeter of 20 volts full-scale deflection. It would be necessary to insert a:
shunt resistance of 19 999.5 ohms (17% chose this)
shunt resistance of 19.5 ohms (24% chose this)
series resistance of 19 999.5 ohms (48% chose this)
series resistance of 1 999.5 ohms (11% chose this)
What is the output PEP from a transmitter if an oscilloscope measures 200 volts peak-to-peak across a 50-ohm dummy load connected to the transmitter output?
In a superheterodyne receiver, a stage before the IF amplifier has a variable capacitor in parallel with a trimmer capacitor and an inductance. The variable capacitor is for:
tuning of the beat-frequency oscillator (BFO) (28% chose this)
tuning both the antenna and the LO (13% chose this)
tuning of the local oscillator (LO) (53% chose this)
tuning both the antenna and the BFO (6% chose this)
A 100-kHz signal is applied to the horizontal channel of an oscilloscope. A signal of unknown frequency is applied to the vertical channel. The resultant wave form has 5 loops displayed vertically and 2 loops horizontally. The unknown frequency is:
If a receiver tuned to 146.70 MHz receives an intermodulation product signal whenever a nearby transmitter transmits on 146.52, what are the two most likely frequencies for the other interfering signal?
In the design of a power supply, the designer must be careful of resonance effects because the ripple voltage could build up to a high value. The components that must be carefully selected are:
first capacitor and second capacitor (11% chose this)
first choke and second capacitor (5% chose this)
first choke and first capacitor (53% chose this)
the bleeder resistor and the first choke (31% chose this)
What is the output PEP from a transmitter, if an oscilloscope measures 400 volts peak-to-peak across a 50 ohm dummy load connected to the transmitter output?
In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, what would be the approximate B+ voltage required for an output of 400 watts at 400 mA with approximately 50 percent efficiency?
In a frequency multiplier circuit, the input signal is coupled to the base of a transistor through a capacitor. A radio frequency choke is connected between the base of the transistor and ground. The capacitor is:
In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. The purpose of the variable capacitor is to:
tune L1 to the desired harmonic (54% chose this)
by-pass RF (11% chose this)
tune L1 to the frequency applied to the base (21% chose this)
A voltmeter having a range of 150 volts and an internal resistance of 150 000 ohms is to be extended to read 750 volts. The required multiplier resistor would have a value of:
In an RF oscillator circuit designed for high stability, the positive feedback is drawn from two capacitors connected in series. These two capacitors would most likely be:
Normally, front-end selectivity is provided by the resonant networks both before and after the RF stage in a superheterodyne receiver. This whole section of the receiver is often referred to as the:
In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. A fixed capacitor (C3) is connected between the VCC+ side of L1 and ground. The purpose of C3 is to:
resonate with L1 (12% chose this)
by-pass any audio components (9% chose this)
provide an RF ground at the VCC connection point of L1 (63% chose this)
A meter has a full-scale deflection of 40 microamperes and an internal resistance of 96 ohms. You want it to read 0 to 1 mA. The value of the shunt to be used is:
What term describes an unbalanced feed system in which the driven element of an antenna is fed both at the centre and a fraction of a wavelength to one side of centre?
In a superheterodyne receiver without an RF amplifier, the input to the mixer stage has a variable capacitor in parallel with an inductance. The variable capacitor is for:
tuning the beat-frequency oscillator (24% chose this)
tuning both the antenna and the local oscillator (11% chose this)
tuning the receiver preselector to the reception frequency (56% chose this)
tuning both the antenna and the beat-frequency oscillator (9% chose this)
In a half-wave power supply with a capacitor input filter and a load drawing little or no current, the peak inverse voltage (PIV) across the diode can reach _____ times the RMS voltage.
If a frequency counter, with a time base accuracy of 10 PPM (parts per million) reads 146 520 000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from that reading?
When testing the amplitude linearity of a single-sideband transmitter what audio tones are fed into the microphone input and on what kind of kind of instrument is the output observed?
Two harmonically related tones are fed in, and the output is observed on an oscilloscope (16% chose this)
Two harmonically related tones are fed in, and the output is observed on a distortion analyzer (1% chose this)
Two non-harmonically related tones are fed in, and the output is observed on a distortion analyzer (20% chose this)
Two non-harmonically related tones are fed in, and the output is observed on an oscilloscope (62% chose this)
What is the output PEP from a transmitter if an oscilloscope measures 500 volts peak-to-peak across a 50-ohm dummy load connected to the transmitter output?
In a properly designed choke input filter power supply, the no-load voltage across the filter capacitor will be about nine-tenths of the AC RMS voltage; yet it is advisable to use capacitors rated at the peak transformer voltage. Why is this large safety margin suggested?
Resonance can be set up in the filter producing high voltages (13% chose this)
Under heavy load, high currents and voltages are produced (16% chose this)
Under no-load conditions, the current could reach a high level (5% chose this)
Under no-load conditions and a burned-out bleeder, voltages could reach the peak transformer voltage (66% chose this)
The reciprocal of the square root of the dielectric constant of the material used to separate the conductors in a transmission line gives the ____________ of the line:
In a grounded grid amplifier using a triode vacuum tube, each side of the filament is connected to a capacitor whose other end is connected to ground. These are:
What is the output PEP from a transmitter, if an oscilloscope measures 800 volts peak-to-peak across a 50 ohm dummy load connected to the transmitter output?
An oscilloscope measures 500 volts peak-to-peak across a 50 ohm dummy load connected to the transmitter output during unmodulated carrier conditions. What would an average-reading power meter indicate under the same transmitter conditions?
What is the output PEP of an unmodulated carrier transmitter if a wattmeter connected to the transmitter output indicates an average reading of 1060 watts?
What term describes a method of antenna impedance matching that uses a short section of transmission line connected to the antenna transmission line near the antenna and perpendicular to the transmission line?
If a frequency counter with a time base accuracy of +/- 0.1 PPM (parts per million) reads 146 520 000 Hz, what is the most that the actual frequency being measured could differ from that reading?
Poor dynamic range of a receiver can cause many problems when a strong signal appears within or near the front-end bandpass. Which of the following is NOT caused as a direct result?
If the incoming signal to the mixer is 3 600 kHz and the first IF is 9 MHz, at which one of the following frequencies would the local oscillator (LO) operate?
To compute one of the following, multiply the peak-envelope voltage by 0.707 to obtain the RMS value, square the result and divide by the load resistance. Which is the correct answer?
What is the deviation ratio of an FM phone transmitter having a maximum frequency swing of plus or minus 5 kHz and accepting a maximum modulation rate of 3 kHz?
If a 100 Hz signal is fed to the horizontal input of an oscilloscope and a 150 Hz signal is fed to the vertical input, what type of pattern should be displayed on the screen?
A looping pattern with 3 horizontal loops, and 2 vertical loops (67% chose this)
A rectangular pattern 100 mm wide and 150 mm high (9% chose this)
An oval pattern 100 mm wide and 150 mm high (12% chose this)
A looping pattern with 100 horizontal loops and 150 vertical loops (12% chose this)
What is the term used to describe a spread spectrum communications system where the centre frequency of a conventional carrier is changed many times per second in accordance with a pseudorandom list of channels?
Time-domain frequency modulation (14% chose this)
Frequency companded spread spectrum (11% chose this)
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model standardizes communications functions as layers within a data communications system. Amateur digital radio systems often follow the OSI model in structure. What is the base layer of the OSI model involving the interconnection of a packet radio TNC to a computer terminal?
A transmitter has an output of 2000 watts PEP. The transmission line, connectors and antenna tuner have a composite loss of 1 dB, and the gain from the stacked Yagi antenna is 10 dBd. What is the Effective Radiated Power (ERP) in watts PEP?
What is the modulation index of an FM phone transmitter producing an instantaneous carrier deviation of 6 kHz when modulated with a 2 kHz modulating frequency?
In an FM phone signal having a maximum frequency deviation of 3000 Hz either side of the carrier frequency, what is the modulation index, when the modulating frequency is 1000 Hz?
How is the output Peak-Envelope Power of a transmitter calculated if an oscilloscope is used to measure the Peak-Envelope Voltage across a dummy resistive load (where PEP = Peak-Envelope Power, PEV = Peak-Envelope Voltage, Vp = peak-voltage, RL = load resistance)?
PEP = [(1.414 PEV)(1.414 PEV)] / RL (15% chose this)
PEP = [(0.707 PEV)(0.707 PEV)] / RL (64% chose this)
The driven element of a Yagi antenna is connected to a coaxial transmission line. The coax braid is connected to the centre of the driven element and the centre conductor is connected to a variable capacitor in series with an adjustable mechanical arrangement on one side of the driven element. The type of matching is:
A transmitter has an output of 1000 watts PEP. The coaxial cable, connectors and antenna tuner have a composite loss of 1 dB, and the antenna gain is 10 dBd. What is the Effective Radiated Power (ERP) in watts PEP?
Why is a ground-mounted vertical quarter-wave antenna in reasonably open surroundings better for long distance contacts than a half-wave dipole at a quarter wavelength above ground?
It has an omnidirectional characteristic (17% chose this)
It uses vertical polarization (4% chose this)
The vertical radiation angle is lower (73% chose this)
What is the deviation ratio of an FM phone transmitter having a maximum frequency swing of plus or minus 7.5 kHz and accepting a maximum modulation rate of 3.5 kHz?
When a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is triggered, to what other semiconductor diode are its electrical characteristics similar (as measured between its cathode and anode)?
Assuming a velocity factor of 0.66 what would be the physical length of a typical coaxial stub that is electrically one quarter wavelength long at 14.1 MHz?
A transmitter has a power output of 125 watts. There is a loss of 0.8 dB in the transmission line, 0.2 dB in the antenna tuner, and a gain of 10 dBd in the antenna. The Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is:
In a frequency multiplier circuit, an inductance (L1) and a variable capacitor (C2) are connected in series between VCC+ and ground. The collector of a transistor is connected to a tap on L1. C2 in conjunction with L1 operate as a:
On VHF and above, 1/4 wavelength coaxial cavities are used to give protection from high-level signals. For a frequency of approximately 50 MHz, the diameter of such a device would be about 10 cm (4 in). What would be its approximate length?
When extremely low ripple is required, or when the voltage supplied to the load must remain constant under conditions of large fluctuations of current and line voltage, a closed-loop amplifier is used to regulate the power supply. There are two main categories of electronic regulators. They are:
What is the Effective Radiated Power of an amateur transmitter, if the transmitter output power is 200 watts, the transmission line loss is 5 watts, and the antenna power gain is 3 dBd?
What is the term used for the decibel difference (or ratio) between the largest tolerable receiver input signal (without causing audible distortion products) and the minimum discernible signal (sensitivity)?
A modern type of regulator, which features a reference, high-gain amplifier, temperature-compensated voltage sensing resistors and transistors as well as a pass element is commonly referred to as a:
A full-wave bridge rectifier circuit makes use of both halves of the AC cycle, but unlike the full-wave centre-tap rectifier circuit it does not require:
a centre-tapped secondary on the transformer (74% chose this)
any output filtering (3% chose this)
a centre-tapped primary on the transformer (14% chose this)
diodes across each leg of the transformer (9% chose this)
A transmitter has an output power of 200 watts. The coaxial and connector losses are 3 dB in total, and the antenna gain is 9 dBd. What is the approximate Effective Radiated Power of this system?
Under what operating condition does a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) exhibit electrical characteristics similar to a forward-biased silicon rectifier?
When discussing a power supply the_______ resistance is equal to the output voltage divided by the total current drawn, including the current drawn by the bleeder resistor:
A transmitter has an output of 100 watts. The cable and connectors have a composite loss of 3 dB, and the antenna has a gain of 6 dBd. What is the Effective Radiated Power?
A transmitter has a power output of 100 watts. There is a loss of 1.30 dB in the transmission line, a loss of 0.2 dB through the antenna tuner, and a gain of 4.50 dBd in the antenna. The Effective Radiated Power (ERP) is:
What do you call the circuit which employs an analog to digital converter, a mathematical transform, a digital to analog converter and a low pass filter?
What term is most appropriate for a high gain, direct-coupled differential amplifier whose characteristics are determined by components mounted externally?
The power-handling capability of most Zener diodes is rated at 25 degrees C or approximately room temperature. If the temperature is increased, the power handling capability is:
If the signals of two repeater transmitters mix together in one or both of their final amplifiers and unwanted signals at the sum and difference frequencies of the original signals are generated and radiated, what is this called?
Energy is stored within an inductor that is carrying a current. The amount of energy depends on this current, but it also depends on a property of the inductor. This property has the following unit: