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Apr 12, 2025 (Sat)
7:00-9:40am CDT
AA5MY: Copperas Cove Repeater Assoc
Test Fee:
502 S Main St, Copperas Cove, TX 76522, USA
view map
American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Slots available:
0 / 6 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Please sign up on (at) HamStudy.org: Log in and Register for FREE… On their site, for the exam. To take the exam there is a $15.00 fee for adults, CASH ONLY. After you pass the exam, your information will be sent to ARRL.org and the FCC. Once the FCC processes the paperwork they will email you at the email address you have on file, you then have 10 days to Pay the FCC $35.00 for your Call Sign/License.

Exam is given before Copperas Cove Repeater Assoc Meeting. At Lil Tex Restaurant. Must register 24 hours before Exam.. Please arrive at 7:00am to 7:15am, to sign in for exam. Please bring your FRN, and name / password you registered with for the Exam; may be used for signing Exam Paperwork. Photo ID required, or Parent. No Phones allowed in testing area; may be used to sign exam after. Look forward to seeing you there. Respectfully,
Myron AA5MY Click on the underlined link below to see information on how to get your ‘FRN” number Getting an FCC Registration Number (FRN) in the Universal Licensing System (ULS) | Federal Communications Commission