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Mar 30, 2025 (Sun)
1:00-4:00pm EDT
NNY-SODST: Northern New York Section - Southern District
Test Fee:
114 Fort Rd, Schoharie, NY 12157, USA
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American Radio Relay League (ARRL-VEC)
Notes from the team:

This licensing session is held in conjunction with the NNY Section's Licensing Class on 3/29 and 3/30 from 8am-5pm at the Schoharie Fire Department. This weekend course prepares individuals for the FCC Amateur Technician Class exam. Students will need to purchase the Ham Radio License Manual, Fifth Edition available from the ARRL and read (and become familiar with) Chapters 1 through 5, as this will make up the majority of Saturday's topics. VE testing session will occur after the class on Sunday.

Weekend class participants will be given preference in the event the testing session reaches capacity.

Use the link below to register for the course. Please provide a valid email address, as information from the instructors and FCC will be sent by email ONLY.